Unlike many better off families, these people struggle to put food on the table and provide a shelter for their loved ones.
In this new millennium, people in the cities have to pay for everything in order to get by.
In the village, where money is scarce, people have to work equally hard to cultivate the land for the sake of their families.
Being brought up in a poor family, it is never easy to meet the individual needs and the wants of daily life.
One such vendor and a very well-spoken woman is Emi Navunisaravi, 40, of Vunisinu, Dreketi, Rewa, who is shining example of someone who wants to do well.
"Early morning, before sunrise, I usually travel from my village to get to the market just get to a place before others get in there," she said.
She sells coconuts for a saqamoli per heap, vudi, tavioka and fruit juice, with heaps of limes and other in-season produce.
Emi has been selling in the market for only four months and already can see a steady flow of income for her efforts.
She was born in Vunisinu Village, the fifth eldest of 12 children.
"My parents are not well educated and worked as fisherfolk," she said.
"From that came our main source of income for the family.
"Since there are so many of us in the family, my parents struggled with the aim that we may become somebody.
"Life is not easy, not just a flick of a finger, we have to work hard in order to be succeed," she said.
"Dad did own numerous businesses like running a store, a fish market and cattle farm in the village," she said.
"But he did get not up to the standard I expected. A lot of money was wasted and not used for his children's needs," she said.
She said facing such hardships early in life taught her to be independent and to stand on her own feet.
She said by doing that she learnt to believe in herself rather than relying on someone else.
"But as I grew up, I had an urge to work hard and become somebody," she said.
Emi attended Dreketi District School and Assemblies of God High School, in Kinoya, Nasinu.
She reached fifth form when she was told to quit and find a job to help put her younger brothers and sisters through school.
"After I completed my secondary studies, I started work in a straw factory in 1984," she said.
"Two years later, I worked as a baby sitter.
"Later on, in 1986, I got married and I now have two sons to look after.
"My husband is a fisherman who hails from Nalase, Rewa. He is the main breadwinner for the family."
Emi's eldest son is nearing completion of certificate level studies at the FIT Hospitality School in Suva.
"My son still cannot find a job," she said. "So I encourage him to go back to the village and help his father as a fisherman.
"That is just to do something for the time being in order to earn money for the family.
"My younger son follows his elder brother in helping out. Half my earnings go into my bank accounts for my sons.
"I am doing this for my sons' future," she said.
"If you come from a poor family, these two things you should treasure in life, which is to adopt wisdom and have patience in order for you to overcome the hardships of life," she said.
Her younger brother recently left school and is now thinking of getting married, something his siblings are looking forward to.
Emi believes good things in life do not come easy and that people need to work hard and focus on what they want to achieve in life.
"Start from small things in order to achieve bigger things in life," is her motto